We know, we stink at updating. Like, the worst. Ever. Period.
One half of "Things We Learned From The Simpsons" got a job, and in our time off, as a surprise Christmas gift, we got a puppy! We almost named him Santa's Little Helper, but decided against it because it was too long...well, that and, while we're FANS of "The Simpsons," we're not obsessed...totally. We went with Freddo instead!
We're hoping to be back up and running sometime in the near future. The world needs our brilliance (*insert sniff of condescension here*) and insight, this we know as fact! We also need to market our blog better to get more viewers because, while we appreciate our friends and family sticking around, we'd like to get more viewers.
So, until next time (SOON, WE PROMISE)!